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New Acquisitions: May - September 2002


Abt, Jeffery. Up from the Streets: Detroit Art from the Duffy Warehouse Collection. Detroit, Mich.: Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Wayne State University, 2001.
(N 6535 .D43 U66)

Ades, Dawn. José Clemente Orozco in the United States, 1927-1934. Hanover, N.H.: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth, 2002.
(ND 259 .O74 A5)

Adock, Craig E. Albert Paley: Sculpture, Drawings, Graphics & Decorative Arts. Tallahassee, Fla.: Florida State University, Museum of Fine Arts, 2001.
(NK 6498 .P34 A5)

Ahad, Zalmaï. Eclipse. New York: Umbrage Editions, 2002.
(TR 820.5 .A45)

Anne Katrine Dolven. Nürnberg: Kunsthalle Nürnberg / Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2001.
(N 7073 .D65 A4)

Apel, Dora. Memory Effects: The Holocaust and the Art of Secondary Witnessing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2002.
(N 7417.6 .A64)

Argentina: La Biennale di Venezia 49. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte: Leandro Erlich/Graciela Sacco. Venezia: Marsilio, 2001.
(N 6635 .A74)

Art in America Annual Guide to Galleries, Museums, Artists. New York: Art in America, 2002.
(Ref. N 50 .A55 2002)

Asensio Cerver, Francisco. Eco-tecture: Bioclimatic Trends and Landscape Architecture in the Year 2001. Barcelona: Loft, 2000.
(NA 2542.35 .A87)

Baudrillard, Jean. The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1998.
(HB 801 .B355)

Bayley, Stephen. General Knowledge. London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2000.
(NK 1175 .B39)

Beatriz Milhazes. Birmingham, Ala.: Ikon Gallery/Birmingham Museum of Art, 2001.
(ND 359 .M54 A4)

Bell, David. The Cybercultures Reader. New York: Routledge, 2000.
(QA 76.9 .C66 C89)

Bernstein, Charles. Richard Tuttle, in Parts, 1998-2000. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 2001.
(N 6537 .T88 B47)

Binet, Hélène. Architecture of Zaha Hadid in Photographs. Baden, Switzerland: L. Müller, 2000.
(NA 1469 .H33 B56)

Blaser, Werner. Tadao Ando: Architektur der Stille = Architecture of Silence: Naoshima Contemporary Art Museum. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2001.
(NA 1559 .A5 B54)

Bourdon, David. Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971-95. Köln: Taschen, 2001.
(N 7193 .C5 B68)

Bradley, Fiona. Trauma. London: Hayward Gallery, 2001.
(N 8253 .T73 T73)

Brouws, Jeffery T. Inside the Live Reptile Tent: The Twilight World of the Carnival Midway. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001.
(GV 1835 .B76)

Brown, Glen R. Clay Body Rhetoric: Ceramic Figures of Speech. Manhattan, Ks.: Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University, 2002.
(NK 3712 .M36 B43)

Brown, Martin C. CD Recordable Solutions: Customize and Burn Music, Video, and Data CDs. Cincinnati, Ohio: Muska & Lipman, 2001.
(TK 7882 .C56 B74)

Carter, David E. The Big Book of Corporate Identity Design. New York: HBI: Distributed in the United States and Canada by Watson-Guptill Publications, 2001.
(NC 999 .B52)

Charles M. Salter Associates. Acoustics: Architecture, Engineering, and the Environment. San Francisco: William Stout Publishers, 1998.
(NA 2800 .A28)

Chung, Chuihua Judy. Great Leap Forward. Köln: Taschen; / Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Design School, 2001.
(NA 2543 .S6 H37 v.1)

Chung, Chuihua Judy. Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping. Köln: Taschen / Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Design School, 2001.
(NA 2543 .S6 H37 v.2)

Collings, Matthew. Art Crazy Nation: The Post Blimey Art World. London: 21 Pub., 2001.
(N 6770 .C645)

Colpitt, Frances. Abstract Art in the Late Twentieth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
(N 6494 .A2 A22)

Corrigan, Gina. Miao Textiles from China. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 2001. (NK 8883 .A3 C85)

Craig, Gerry. Joan Livingstone. Winchester, England: Telos Art Pub., 2002.
(NK 8898 .L58 C73 c.1)

Critical Art Ensemble. Electronic Civil Disobedience and Other Unpopular Ideas. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Automedia & Critical Art Ensemble, 1996.
(T 14.5 .E42)

Cummings, Neil. Capital: A Project. London: Tate Publishing, 2001.
(N 8225 .M84 C86)

Dabashi, Hamid. Close Up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present, and Future. New York: Verso, 2001.
(PN 1993.5 .I84 D32)

Dalziel + Scullion. Home. Edinburgh: Fruitmarket Gallery, 2001.
(N 6797 .D36 A4)

Davoli, Paolo. Clubspotting 2.0. London: Hi Marketing, 2002.
(NC 1265 .D38)

De Domizio Durini, Lucrezia. Joseph Beuys: The Image of Humanity. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Silvana, 2001.
(N 688 .B4 D395)

Deitch, Jeffrey. Form Follows Fiction = Forma e Finzione nell'Arte di Oggi: Franz Ackerman. Milano: Charta, 2001.
(N 6490 .F64)

De Kerckhove, Derrick. The Architecture of Intelligence. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2001.
(NA 2765 .D42)

Del Vecchio, Mark. Postmodern Ceramics. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001.
(NK 3930 .D45)

Denari, Neil M. Gyroscopic Horizons. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.
(NA 737 .D46 A4)

Design Innovations Yearbook 2001 = Design Innovationen Jahrbuch 2001. Essen, Germany: Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, 2001.
(NK 1510 .D44 2001)

Duve, Thierry de. Jeff Wall. London: Phaidon, 2002.
(TR 654 .W38 A4 2002)

Eden, Xandra. Marla Hlady. Toronto: Power Plant, 2001.
(N 6549 .H53 E34)

Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. New York: Henry Holt, 2002.
(HD 4918 .E37)

Elam, Kimberly. Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001.
(N 7431.5 .E44)

Eleanor Antin: Real Time Streaming. Coventry: Mead Gallery, 2001.
(N 6537 .A52 A4)

Ellen Gallagher: Preserve. Des Moines, Iowa: Des Moines Art Center, 2001.
(N 6537 .G34 A4)

Engeli, Maia. Bits and Spaces: Architecture and Computing for Physical, Virtual, Hybrid Realms: 33 Projects by Architecture and CADD, ETH Zurich. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2001.
(NA 2728 .B58)

Erickson, Britta. The Art of Xu Bing: Words Without Meaning, Meaning Without Words. Washington, D.C.: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 2001. (N 7349 .X8 E75)

Erwitt, Elliott. Snaps. London: Phaidon Press, 2001.
(TR 654 .E7 S63)

Ewen, Stuart. PR!: A Social History of Spin. New York: Basic Books, 1996.
(HM 263 .E84)

F. Scott Hess: The Hours of the Day. Newport Beach, Calif.: Orange County Museum of Art, 2001.
(ND 237 .H54 A4)

Feenberg, Andrew. Critical Theory of Technology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
(T 14 .F43)

Flux: Asymptote. London: Phaidon, 2002.
(NA 737 .A83 A4)

Foster, Norman. Foster Catalogue 2001. Munich: Prestel, 2001.
(NA 997 .F67 A4)

Fraser, Simon. Contemporary Japanese Jewellery. London: Merrell, 2001.
(NK 7401.5 .J3 F73)

Fried, Michael. Art and Objecthood: Essays and Reviews. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
(N 6490 .F77)

Friis-Hansen, Dana. Cai Guo-Qiang. London: Phaidon, 2002.
(N 7349 .C35 F75)

G. Daniel Massad: Silent History. New York: Forum Gallery, 2001.
(ND 237 .M38 A4)

Game Show: An Exhibition. North Adams, Mass.: MASS MoCA Publications, 2001.
(N 8217 .G34 G36)

Gateau, Laurence. Action, on Tourne = Action, We're Filming. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2001.
(N 6494. V5 A28)

Ghada Amer: Reading Between the Threads. Oslo: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, 2001.
(N 7385 .A44 A5)

Gillow, John. Printed and Dyed Textiles from Africa. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 2001.
(NK 8887 .G55)

Giuliano Vangi. Lausanne: Éditions Acatos, 2001.
(NB 623 .V36 A4)

The Glass Sculpture of Christopher Ries. Columbus, Ohio: Columbus Museum of Art, 2001.
(NK 5198 .R54 A4)

Goetz, Ingvild. Art from the UK. München: Sammlung Goetz, 1997.
(N 6768 .A77)

Grant Marchand, Sandra. Métamorphoses et Clonage. Montréal: Musée d'Art Contemporian de Montréal, 2001.
(N 7625.5 .G73)

Greiman, April. Something from Nothing. Crans-Près-Céligny: Hove: RotoVision, 2001.
(NC 999.4 .G74 A4)

Grosenick, Uta. Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Century. Köln: Taschen, 2001.
(N 8354 .W65)

Gysin, Brion, and Terry Wilson. Here to Go. London: Creation Books, 2001.
(PS 3557 .Y8 Z46)

Hamann, Horst. Vertical View. London: te Neues, 2001.
(TR 661 .H36)

Hecht, Ann. Textiles from Guatemala. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 2001.
(NK 8818 .H39)

Heiferman, Marvin. Paradise Now: Picturing the Genetic Revolution Now. Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: Tang Museum, Skidmore College, 2001.
(N 8217 .G42 H34)

Heller, Steven. Looking Closer 4: Critical Writings on Graphic Design. New York: Allworth Press, 2002.
(NC 997 .L637)

Herdeg, Walter. Graphis Design. Zurich: Graphis Press Corp. / New York: Graphis U.S. Inc., 2002.
(NC 997 .G7 2002)

Hoagland, Edward. Shooting Blind: Photographs by the Visually Impaired. New York: Aperture Foundation, 2002.
(TR 680 .S42)

Holl, Steven. Parallax. Basel: Birkhäuser / New York: Princeton Archtiectural Press, 2000.
(NA 737 .H56 A85)

Holland, DK. Design Issues: How Graphic Design Informs Society. New York: Allworth Press, 2001.
(NC 997 .D32)

Imperiale, Alicia. New Flatness: Surface Tension in Digital Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000.
(NA 2760 .I47)

Inescapable Histories: Mel Chin: an Exhibition. Kansas City, Mo.: ExhibitsUSA, Mid-America Art Alliance, 1996.
(N 6537 .C483 A4)

Intelligence: New British Art 2000. London: Tate Gallery, 2000.
(N 6768 .I58)

Isamu Noguchi: Sculptural Design. Berlin: Vitra Design Museum, 2001.
(NB 237 .N77 A6)

Jacob, Mary Jane. Theo Leffmann. Evanston, Ill.: Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, 2000.
(NK 8898 .L44 J33)

Jean, Marie-Josée. L'image Complice. Montréal : Vox, Centre de Diffusion de la Photographie, 2000.
(TR 646 .C2 J43)

Jensen, Rolf. The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
(HD 30.27 .J47)

Juan Muñoz: Double Bind at Tate Modern. London: Tate Modern, 2001.
(N 7113 .M75 A4)

Kachur, Lewis. Displaying the Marvelous: Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali, and the Surrealist Exhibition Installations. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001.
(NX 600 .S9 K33)

Kenna, Michael. Impossible to Forget: The Nazi Camps Fifty Years After. Tucson, Ariz.: Nazraeli Press, 2001.
(D 805 .A2 K45)

Kienholz, Edward. Kienholz: The Hoerengracht. New York: PaceWildenstein, 2002.
(N 6537 .K48 A4)

King, Elizabeth. Attention's Loop: A Sculptor's Reverie on the Coexistence of Substance and Spirit. New York: Abrams, 1999.
(NB 237 .K55 A4)

Koolhaas, Rem. OMA@Work.A+U. Tokyo: A+U, 2000.
(NA 1153 .K66 A6)

Lafranchi, Guy. Prisoners of the Museum. New York: Springer / RIEAeuropa, 2001.
(NA 6690 .L34)

Langer, Lawrence. In a Different Light: The Book of Genesis in the Art of Samuel Bak. Boston: Pucker Art Publications, 2001.
(N 7279 .B24 L36)

Leier, Ray. Contemporary Glass: Color, Light and Form. Madison, Wis.: GUILD Pub., 2001.
(NK 5110 .L45)

Lorenz, Richard. Arthur Tress: Fantastic Voyage: Photographs 1956-2000. Boston: Little, Brown, in association with the Corcoran Gallery of Art, 2001.
(TR 647 .T74 L67)

Lupton, Ellen. Skin: Surface, Substance+Design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.
(NK 1390 .L87)

Lynn, Greg. Animate Form. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.
(NA 737 .L97 A4)

Lynn, Victoria. Space Odysseys: Sensations & Immersion. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2001.
(N 8246 .S62 S63)

Machines of the Mind: Sculpture by Lawrence Fane. Richmond, Va.: University of Richmond Museum, 2002.
(NB 237 .F36 A4)

Manuel Neri: Paintings and Painted Papers. Washington, D.C.: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 2001.
(N 6537 .N35 A5)

Matter and Mind in Architecture. Helsinki: Alvar Aalto Foundation/Alvar Aalto Museum: Finnish Association of Architects: Museum of Finnish Architecture: Building Information Ltd., 2002.
(NA 2500 .M38)

McCreight, Tim. Color on Metal: 50 Artists Share Insights and Techniques. Madison, Wis.: GUILD Pub., 2001.
(NK 6510 .M38)

Mel Kendrick: Core Samples. Hanover, N.H.: Hood Museum of Art, 2002.
(NB 237 .K37 A4)

Oleg Kulik: Art Animal. Birmingham: Ikon Gallery, 2001.
(NX 575 .K86 A4)

Pain, Sheila. Embroidery from India and Pakistan. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 2001.
(NK 9276 .P35)

Palumbo, Maria Luisa. New Wombs: Electronic Bodies and Architectural Disorders. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000.
(NA 2765 .P34)

Pavitt, Jane. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000.
(HD 69 .B7 B71)

Pictures Tell the Story: Ernest C. Withers Reflections in History. Norfolk, Va.: Chrysler Museum of Art, 2000.
(TR 820.5 .W58)

Pine, B. Joseph. The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
(HF 5415.15 .P56)

Popcorn, Faith. Dictionary of the Future: The Words, Terms, and Trends that Define the Way We'll Live, Work, and Talk. New York: Hyperion, 2001.
(Ref. CB 161 .P66)

Princenthal, Nancy. A Creative Legacy: A History of the National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artists' Fellowship Program, 1966-1995. New York: H.N. Abrams in association with the National Endowment for the Arts, 2001.
(N 8838 .C73)

Process of Transformation: Lucy Orta. Paris: Jean-Michel Place, 1998.
(NK 4860 .O77)

Ranaulo, Gianni. Light Architecture: New Edge City. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2001.
(NA 2765 .R28)

Ray, John. MAC OS X Unleashed. Indianapolis: Sams, 2002.
(QA 76.8 .M3 R39)

Richards, Ivor. T.R. Hamzah & Yeang: Ecology of the Sky. Mulgrave, Vic.: Images, 2001.
(NA 1525.8 .Y43 R53)

Ries, Al. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
(HF 5827.2 .R53)

Rieser, Martin. New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative. London: BFI Pub., 2002.
(N 6494 .V53 N49)

Rineke Dijkstra: Portraits. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Arts / Ostfildern: Co-published by Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2001.
(TR 647 .D55 A4)

Sagmeister, Stefan. Sagmeister: Made You Look. New York: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2001.
(NC 999.6 .A98 S25)

Sam Taylor-Wood: Contact. London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2001.
(PN 1992.8 .V5 T39)

Sawin, Martica. Confronting Nature: Icelandic Art of the 20th Century. Reykjavik: National Gallery of Iceland: Oddi Printing, 2001.
(N 7048 .C65)

Schwartz, Daniel. The Great Wall of China: With 149 Duotone Photographs and 6 Maps; Including Texts by Jorge Louis Borges, Franz Kafka and Luo Zhewen. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001.
(TR 654 .S39 G74)

Seabrook, John. Nobrow: The Culture of Marketing, the Marketing of Culture. New York: Vintage, 2001.
(HM 101 .S43)

Senritsumirai: Futuro Anteriore: Arte Attuale dal Giappone= Future Perfect: Present-Day Art from Japan. Pistoia: Gli ori, 2001.
(N 7355 .S46)

Shen Yuan. London: Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA), 2001.
(N 7349 .Y83 A4)

Slessor, Catherine. Contemporary Doorways: Architectural Entrances, Transitions, and Thresholds. London: Mitchell Beazley, 2002.
(NA 3010 .S54)

Sobel, Dean. Thomas Demand Catalogue and Exhibition: 2001/2002. Aspen: Aspen Art Museum; / Amsterdam: De Appel, 2001.
(TR 654 .D45 S63)

Solomonson, Katherine. The Chicago Tribune Tower Competition: Skyscraper Design and Cultural Change in the 1920s. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
(NA 6233 .C4 T85)

Stafford, Barbara Maria. Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on Screen. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2001.
(N 72 .T4 S73)

Steele, James. Architecture and Computers: Action and Reaction in the Digital Design Revolution. New York: Watson-Guptill, 2002.
(NA 2728 .S74)

Steinberg, Gene. Upgrading & Troubleshooting Your Mac: Mac OS X Edition. New York: Osborn/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
(QA 76.8 .M3 S71)

Steines, Adolf. Moving Metal: The Art of Chasing and Repoussé. Huntingdon, Pa. : Blue Moon Press, 2001.
(NK 6530 .S75)

Sterling, Susan Fisher. Virgin Territory: Women, Gender, and History in Contemporary Brazilian Art. Washington D.C.: The Museum, 2001.
(N 6655 .V57)

Stone, Allucquère Rosanne. The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996.
(QA 76.9 .C66 S91)

Storr, Robert. Gerhard Richter: Forty Years of Painting. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2002.
(ND 588 .R48 S76)

Tadashi Kawamata. Antwerp: Musea Antwerpen, 2000.
(N 7359 .K34 A5)

Thomas Herzog: Architektur + Technologie = Architecture + Technology. New York: Prestel, 2001.
(NA 1088 .H42 A4)

Thomas, Katharina. Filz: Kunst, Kunsthandwerk und Design = Felt: Art, Crafts and Design. Stuttgart: Arnoldsche, 2000.
(TT 849.5 .F55)

Tolleson, Steven. Soak, Wash, Rinse, Spin: Tolleson Design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.
(NC 999.4 .T84 A4)

Tonel: Lessons of Solitude. Vancouver: Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, 2001.
(N 6605 .T66 A4)

Travi, Valerio. Advanced Technologies: Building the Computer Age. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2001.
(TH 6012 .T73)

The Tumultuous Fifties: A View from the New York Times Photo Archives. Buffalo, N.Y.: Albright-Knox Art Gallery in cooperation with the New York Times Photo Archives and Times History Productions, 2001.
(TR 820 .N42)

21st: The Journal of Contemporary Photography: Culture & Criticism. Volumes 1-5. Brewster, Mass.: Leo & Wolfe Photography, Inc., 1998-2002.
(Folio TR 1 .T84)

Verner Panton: The Collected Works: Vitra Design Museum. Weil am Rhein: Vitra Design Museum, 2000.
(NK 2058 .P36)

Vito Acconci, Acconci Studio: Acts of Architecture. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 2001.
(N 6537 .A29 A7)

Wagner, Catherine. Cross Sections. Santa Fe, N.M.: Twin Palms, 2001.
(TR 647 .W23 C76)

Wapling, Nick. Truth or Consequences: A Personal History of American Photography from the Last Century. London: Phaidon Press, 2001.
(TR 654 .W385 T78)

Weishar, Peter. Blue Sky: The Art of Computer Animation: Featuring Ice Age and Bunny. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2002.
(TR 897.7 .W45)

Wilkin, Karen. Clement Greenberg: A Critic's Collection. Portland, Ore.: Portland Art Museum / Princeton University Press, 2001.
(N 6487 .P59 P67)

Wood, Paul. Conceptual Art. New York: Delano Greenidge, 2002.
(N 6494 .C63 W66)

Woods, Lebbeus. Earthquake!: A Post-Biblical View. Wien: Springer, 2001.
(TA 658.44 .W66)

The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory. New York: Routledge, 2000.
(HM 851 .W67)

Zappaterra, Yolanda. Editorial: Print & Electronic Design. Crans-près-Céligny, Switzerland: RotoVision, 2001.
(NC 997 .Z37)

Zurbrugg, Nicholas. Critical Vices: The Myths of Postmodern Theory. Amsterdam: G+B Arts International, 2000.
(NX 456.5 P66 Z87)


Berlin's Jewish Museum: A Personal Tour with Daniel Libeskind. New York: Michael Blackwood Productions, Inc., 2000.
(VHS NA 737 .L5 B53)

Capra, Frank. Pocketful of Miracles. Santa Monica, Calif.: MGM/UA Home Video, 1997.
(VHS PN 1997 .P59)

Feinstein, Leonard. Robert Irwin: The Beauty of the Questions. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Extension Center for Media and Independent Learning, 1997.
(VHS N 6537 .I78 B43)

Forster, Marc. Monster's Ball. [S.l.]: Lions Gate Home Entertainment: Studio S Home Entertainment, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .M72)

Frank Gehry: An Architecture of Joy. New York: Michael Blackwood Productions, Inc., 2000.
(VHS NA 737 .G44 B53)

Fuqua, Antoine. Training Day. Burbank, Calif.: Warner Home Video, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .T715)

Gárdos, Éva. An American Rhapsody. Hollywood, Calif.: Paramount Pictures, 2001.
(VHS PN 1997 .A495)

Hersham, Joel. Greenfingers. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia Tri Star Home Entertainment, 2001.
(VHS PN 1997 .G81)

Hung, Trân Anh. The Vertical Ray of the Sun. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2000.
(VHS PN 1997 .V44)

Joffé, Roland. Vatel. [S.l.]: Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001.
(VHS PN 1997 .V39)

Lindsay-Hogg, Michael. Brideshead Revisited. 5 videocassettes. Silver Spring, Md.: Acorn Media, 2002, 1981.
(VHS PN 1997 .B755)

Mann, Michael. Ali. [S.l.]: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .A375)

Pabst, G. W. The Threepenny Opera. [S.l.]: Janus Films, distributed by Home Vision, [198-?].
(VHS PN 1997 .T445)

Potter, Sally. The Man Who Cried. Universal City, Calif.: Universal Studios, 2001.
(VHS PN 1997 .M368)

Ripoll, Maria. Tortilla Soup. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .T66)

Rivette, Jacques. Va Savoir = Who Knows? Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .V18)

Roach, Jay. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. New York: New Line Home Video, 1997.
(VHS PN 1997 .A82)

Roach, Jay. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. New York: New Line Home Video, 1999.
(VHS PN 1997 .A825)

Saura, Carlos. Goya in Bordeaux. [S.l.]: Sony Pictures Classics, 2000.
(VHS PN 1997 .G62)

Soldini, Silvio. Bread & Tulips. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .B73)

Steven Holl: The Body in Space. New York: Michael Blackwell Productions, 2001.
(VHS NA 737 .H56 B53)

Tarkovsky, Andrei. The Steamroller and the Violin. Chicago: Facets Video, 2002.
(VHS PN 1997 .S73)

Visconti, Luchino. Senso. New York: Fox Lorber Home Video, 1998.
(VHS PN 1997 .S355)

Wilson, Michael Henry. A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese through American Movies. 3 videocassettes. [S.l.]: Miramax Home Entertainment, 1995.
(VHS PN 1993.5 .U6 S36)


Altman, Robert. Gosford Park. Universal City, Calif.: Universal, 2002.
(DVD PN 1997 .G68)

Anderson, Wes. The Royal Tenenbaums. Burbank, Calif.: Touchstone Home Video: distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1007 .R69)

Chukhrai, Grigori Naumovich. Ballad of a Soldier. New York: Criterion Collection, 2002.
(DVD PN 1997 .B34)

Clair, René. A Nous la Liberté. New York: Criterion Collection, 2002.
(DVD PN 1997 .A17)

Earls, Elliott. Catfish: A Film. Sacramento, California: Émigré, 2002.
(DVD PN 1995.9 .E96 E27)

Eyre, Richard. Iris. Burbank, Calif.: Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .I75)

Field, Todd. In the Bedroom. Burbank, Calif.: Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .I49)

Gowarikar, Ashutosh. Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .L34)

Hallström, Lasse. The Shipping News. Burbank, Calif.: Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .S54)

Herzog, Werner. Stroszek. Troy, Mich.: Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .S84)

Howard, Ron. A Beautiful Mind. Willowdale, Ontario: Distributed by Universal Studios Canada, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .B41)

Jeunet, Jean-Pierre. Amélie. Burbank, Calif.: Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .A45)

Lawrence, Ray. Lantana. [S.l.]: Trimark Home Video; distributed by Lions Gate Home Entertainment, 2002.
(DVD PN 1997 .L35)

Lynch, David. Mulholland Drive. Universal City, Calif.: Universal, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .M79)

The Next Industrial Revolution: William McDonough, Michael Braungart and the Birth of the Sustainable Economy. Stevenson, Md.: Earthome Productions, 2001.
(DVD TS 171.4 .N49)

Schepisi, Fred. Last Orders. Culver City, Calif.: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2001.
(DVD PN 1997 .L36)

Valli, Eric. Himalaya. New York: Kino on Video, 2002.
(DVD PN 1997 .H58)

Verber, Francis. The Closet. Burbank, Calif.: Miramax Home Entertainment: Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2000.
(DVD PN 1997 .C58)