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Harry Bertoia: Selected Bibliography

Allentown, PA, Allentown Art Museum. Harry Bertoia: an Exhibition of his Sculpture and his Graphics. Exh. cat., 1975.

Bertoia, Celia. The Life and Work of Harry Bertoia: the Man, the Artist, the Visionary. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., c2015.

Bertoia, Harry. Sonabient: The Fine Arts/Melodies Heard and Unheard. Sound recording, Bertoia Studios, n.d.

"Bertoia: His Sculpture. His Kind of Wire Chair." Interiors 112 (October 1952): 118-121.

Carpenter, Kim. "Cranbrook and the Genesis of American Modernism." Modernism 11, no. 4 (Winter 2008-2009): 44-51.

Cincinnati,OH, Taft Museum. Sounds of Sculpture: B. Baschet, H. Bertoia, F. Baschet. Exh. cat., 1976.

Copenhagen, Court Gallery. Harry Bertoia: An Exhibit. Exh. cat., Copenhagen: Court Gallery, 1972.

Bloomfield Hills, MI, Cranbrook Art Museum. Bent, Cast & Forged: The Jewelry of Harry Bertoia. Exh. cat., 2015.

Eger, Jeffery. Sounding Sculpture of Harry Bertoia. Film, n.d.

Goode, Daniel, et al. The Trush from Upper Dunakyn: The Bertoia in the Yamasaki Building, Princeton. Sound recording. Greenville, ME: Opus One, 1979-1982?.

Green, Roger. "Cranbrook Craft & What the Future May Hold." American Craft68, no. 4 (Aug/Sept. 2008): 54-61.

Greenbaum, Toni. "Bizarre Bijoux: Surrealism in Jewelry." Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 20 (1994): 196-207.

__________. "Golden Age." Wallpaper no. 56 (March 2003): 117-118.

__________. "Tea and Jewelry: Modernist Metalsmithing in San Diego, 1940-1970." Metalsmith 22 (Summer 2002): 26-33.

Guirl, Morris. How Long the Night: A Modern Morality Play in Four Parts. (Illustrated by Harry Bertoia). Grosse Pointe, MI: The Golden Basket Bookshop, 1943.

Martin, David H. Harry Bertoia: Constructivist. Huntington, WV: Marshall University, 1975.

Montgomery, Susan J. "The Sound and the Surface: The Metalwork and Jewelry of Harry Bertoia." Metalsmith 7 (1987): 22-29.

Nelson, June Compass. Harry Bertoia, Sculptor. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1970.

__________. Harry Bertoia, Printmaker: Monotypes and other Monographics. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1989.

Shiffer, Nancy. Harry Bertoia Monoprints. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., c2011.

Schiffer, Nancy and Bertoia, Val O. The World of Bertoia. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publications, 2003.

Schuster, Angela M.H. "Artist Dossier: Harry Bertoia." Blouin Art + Auction 38, issue 6 (February 2015): 65-68.

Sullivan, Martin R. "Alloyed Screens: Harry Bertoia and the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Building - 510 Fifth Avenue." Sculpture Journal 25, issue 3 (2016): 361-380.

Taplin, Robert. "Harry Bertoia at Robert Miller."Art in America 88 (July 2000): 102-3.