Beverly Fishman: Selected Bibliography Apel, Dora. "Beverly Fishman: Susanne Hilberry Gallery." New Art Examiner 26 (Mar. 1999): 61-62. Biro, Matthew. "Detroit: Cranbrook Art Museum, Post-Digital Painting." Contemporary issue 50 (2003): 90-91. Cassidy, Victor M. "Beverly Fishman at Sketos Gabriele." Art in America 94, no. 4 (April 2006): 167 Crawford, Lynn. "Beverly Fishman at Susanne Hilberry." Art in America 87 (Feb. 1999): 117. Green, Roger."Beverly Fishman. Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Birmingham; Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan." New Art Examiner 21 (Mar. 1994): 46. Houston, Joe, and Wittkopp, Gregory. Post-Digital Painting. Exh. cat. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Art Museum, 2002. Novak, Carol."Colorforms: Detroit Artists Market." New Art Examiner 28 (May/June 2001): 97. Morrisroe, Julia. "From Here to There: Beverly Fishman, Lemberg Gallery, Ferndale, MI." Dialogue 27 (January/Feburary 2004): 30. O'Kelly, Emma."Pop Art." Wallpaper no. 25 (Jan./Feb/ 200): 36. Ostrow, Saul. Beverly Fishman. Winchester, England: Telos Art Publications, 2003. Wojtas, Thomas."Beverly Fishman, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Birmingham, Michigan." Art Papers 20 (July/Aug. 1996): 64.
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