Zoltan Sepeshy: Selected Bibliography Barrie, Dennis. Artists in Michigan, 1900-1976. Detroit: Wayne State University press, 1989: 205-206. Carducci, Vincent. "The Inlander Art Collection reveals mainstream Modernism as filtered through local loyalty." The New Art Examiner 22, no. 10 (Summer 1995): 36-39. Payne, E.H. "Marine Still Life." Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts 27, no. 4 (1948): 99-100. Schmeckebier, Lawrence Eli. Zoltan Sepeshy: Forty Years of His Work. Syracuse, NY: School of Art, Syracuse University, 1966. Sepeshy, Zoltan. Tempera Painting. New York and London: American Studio Books, 1946. __________. "I Don't Like Labels." Magazine of Art 38 (May 1945): 186-189. __________. "What Place Art in the Post-War World?" Art Digest 17 (Aug 1943): 17. Watson, Ernest W. "Zoltan Sepeshy." American Artist 8, no. 7 (Sept 1944): 8-eoa.
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