Architectural Design Profiles Architecture at Cranbrook Academy of Art
A new issue of Architectural Design is available for pre-order that showcases the Architecture program at Cranbrook Academy of Art.
Alumni, faculty and scholars reflect on Cranbrook’s unique model of study in light of contemporary and challenging questions in architectural education, practice, and the profession. As described in the issue, “often compared to other experimental schools such as the Bauhaus, Black Mountain College and Taliesin, Cranbrook’s sustained purpose has been advancing a wide, interdisciplinary latitude and self-directed design research to expand and diversify its approaches to architectural practice. There is a deep and persistent idea that open and experimental acts of making should define pedagogy, and by extension that education should shape practice, not the other way around.”
Edited by current Architect-in-Residence, Gretchen Wilkins, the issue also includes contributions from Kevin Adkisson, Emily Baker, Peggy Deamer, Pia Ednie-Brown, Ronit Eisenbach, Dan Hoffman, Yu-Chih Hsiao, Peter Lynch, Bill Massie, Hani Rashid, Jesse Reiser, Lois Weinthal, and Tod Williams.
Read more about the issue and order your copy, here.