Cranbrook Academy of Art

Row 1 from left to right: McArthur Binion, Annabeth Rosen, Peter Bohlin. Row 2 from left to right: Ruth Adler Schnee, Tiff Massey. Row 3 from left to right: Niels Diffrient, Nick Cave, Gere Kavanaugh.

Cranbrook Academy of Art

Cranbrook Academy of Art

Award-Winning Alumni and Artists-in-Residence

Cranbrook Academy of Art alumni are among the most distinguished and innovative artists, designers, and architects around the world.

Academy alumni have received the most prestigious awards, fellowships, and grants in the U.S. and internationally. These include the U.S. National Medal of Arts, AIGA Medal, AIA Gold Medal, AIA 25-year Award, Cooper Hewitt National Design Award, The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Award, Guggenheim Fellowship, Kresge Eminent Artis Award, and U.S. Fulbright Grant.

In addition, the Academy recognizes its alumni at any career level with the Distinguished Alumni Award. Honorary MFA degrees are granted in exceptional cases of creatives or supporters who have made an impact on our community or the world.

Cranbrook Academy of Art Distinguished Alumni

The Distinguished Alumni Award is one of the highest honors bestowed by the Academy and recognizes graduates who have demonstrated creativity, innovation, leadership, and vision through their contributions to the practices of architecture, art, and design, as well as to Cranbrook Academy of Art.

2019 Gere Kavanaugh Design 1952
2018 Annabeth Rosen Ceramics 1981
2017 McArthur Binion Painting 1973
2015 Ruth Adler Schnee Design 1946
2014 Ed Fella Design 1987
2013 Donald Lipski Ceramics 1973
2012 Anne Wilson Fiber 1972
2011 Peter Bohlin Architecture 1961
2006 Niels Diffrient Design 1954

The U.S. National Medal of the Arts

The National Medal of Arts is the highest award given to artists and arts patrons by the United States government. These individuals, through their creativity, inspiration, and hard work, have significantly enriched the cultural life of our nation.

2002 Florence Knoll Bassett Student, Department of Architecture, 1934–1935, 1936–1937, 1939

AIGA Medalists

The medal of AIGA is awarded to individuals in recognition of their exceptional achievements in the advancement of the field of design as a respected craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. Medals have been awarded to individuals who have set standards of excellence over a lifetime of work or have made individual contributions to innovation within the practice of design.

2022 Andrew Blauvelt Design 1988
2017 Nancy Skolos and Tom Wedell Skolos: BFA Design ’77; Wedell: Photography ’77
2016 Gere Kavanaugh Design 1952
2013 Lucille Tenazas Design 1981
2010 Steve Frykholm Design 1969
2007 Edward Fella Design 1987
2006 Lorraine Wild Design 1982
2005 Meredith Davis Design 1975
2000 P. Scott Makela and Laurie Haycock Makela both Design 1991
1999 Katherine McCoy Co-chair Design Department 1971–1995
1977 Charles and Ray Eames Charles: Student, Architecture, 1938–1939, CAA Instructor of Design, 1939–1941 Ray: Student, 1940–1941

American Craft Council College of Fellows

Since 1970, the American Craft Council has recognized significant contributions to the field of craft. Originally designated the Award of Merit, in 1975 the ACC adopted the distinction of Fellow of the Council, the body of awardees known collectively as the College of Fellows. Election to the College of Fellows continues to this day, the award a commitment “to honor those who have made an outstanding contribution to the crafts in America.”

2024 Mark Newport Fiber Artist-in-Residence 2007-2023
2016 Nick Cave Fiber 1989
2016 Myra Mimlitsch-Gray Metalsmithing 1986
2014 Jane Lackey Fiber 1979, Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1997–2007
2008 Adela Akers Fiber 1962
2008 Tony Hepburn Ceramics Artist-in-Residence 1992-2008
2007 Arturo Sandoval Fiber 1971
2005 Gary Griffin Metalsmithing Artist-in-Residence 1984-2006
2001 Joan Livingstone Fiber 1974) Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1980-1982
2001 John Glick Ceramics 1962
2000 Anne Wilson Fiber 1972
1997 Chunghi Choo Metalsmithing 1965
1996 Jun Kaneko Ceramics Artist-In-Residence 1979-86
1996 Mary Lee Hu BFA Metalsmithing 1965
1995 J. Fred Woell Sculpture 1969
1995 Fred Fenster Metalsmithing 1960
1993 Gerhardt Knodel Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1970-1996, CAA Director 1996-2007
1990 Lillian Elliott Ceramics 1955
1988 Walter G. Nottingham Fiber 1968
1987 Richard DeVore Ceramics 1957
1985 Marianne Strengell Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1941-1961
1985 Richard Thomas Metalsmithing Artist-In-Residence 1948-1984
1979 William Brown Design 1950
1978 Jack Lenor Larsen Fiber 1951
1975 Ed Rossbach Ceramics 1947
1975 Toshiko Takaezu Ceramics 1954
1975 Dorothy Meredith Painting 1945

American Craft Council Gold Medal for Consummate Craftmanship

Every two years, as few as one College of Fellows member is recognized with the Gold Medal for Consummate Craftsmanship, an award for a lifetime of achievements, the highest award given by the Council and among the most prestigious in the nation. Gold Medal awardees of the College of Fellows represent the extraordinary among a field of elite craftspeople.

2024 Anne Wilson Fiber 1972
2024 Nick Cave Fiber 1989
2018 Jun Kaneko Ceramics Artist-in-Residence 1979-1986
2016 Gerhadt Knodel Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1970-1996, CAA Director 1996-2007
2005 Fred Fenster Metalsmithing 1960
2000 Louis Brent Kington Metalsmithing 1961
1996 Jack Lenor Larsen Fiber 1951
1994 Toshiko Takaezu Ceramics 1954
1993 Marianne Strengell Fiber Artist-in-Residence 1941-1961
1990 Ed Rossbach Ceramics 1947
1983 Harvey Littleton Ceramics 1951

American Institute of Architects (AIA) Gold Medal

The Gold Medal is the AIA’s highest annual honor, recognizing individuals whose work has had a lasting influence on the theory and practice of architecture. Considered one of the most prestigious awards in the architecture world, the Gold Medal has been received by well renowned architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Frank Gehry, Julia Morgan, and Moshe Safdie.

2011 Fumihiko Maki Architecture 1953
2010 Peter Q. Bohlin Architecture 1961
1962 Eero Saarinen Instructor, 1939-1941
1947 Eliel Saarinen Cranbrook, Resident Architect, 1925–1950; Cranbrook Academy of Art (CAA), President, 1932–1946; CAA Director of Department of Architecture and Urban Design, 1946–1950;

American Institute of Architects (AIA) Twenty-Five Year Award

The Twenty-five Year Award showcases buildings that set a precedent. Conferred on a building that has stood the test of time for 25-35 years and continues to set standards of excellence for its architectural design and significance.

2014 Harry Weese Architecture 1939 Washington, D.C., Metro rail transit system design
1993 Eero Saarinen Instructor 1939-41 Deere Company Administrative Center, Moline, Ill.
1990 Eero Saarinen Instructor 1939-41 The Gateway Arch, St. Louis
1988 Eero Saarinen Instructor 1939-41 Dulles International Airport Terminal Building, Chantilly, Va.
1988 Eero Saarinen Instructor 1939-41 General Motors Technical Center, Warren, Mich.
1978 Charles and Ray Eames Charles: Student, Architecture, 1938–1939, CAA Instructor of Design, 1939–1941; Ray: Student, 1940–1941 The Eames House, Pacific Palisades, Calif.
1977 Eero Saarinen Instructor 1939-41 Christ Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minn..
Eero and Eliel Saarinen (Eliel: Cranbrook, Resident Architect, 1925–1950; Cranbrook Academy of Art (CAA), President, 1932–1946; CAA Director of Department of Architecture and Urban Design, 1946–1950; Eero: Instructor, 1939-1941) The Crow Island School, Winnetka, Ill.

Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum’s National Design Awards honor innovation and impact and recognize the power of design to change the world.

2015 Jack Lenor Larsen Fiber 1951
2009 Andrew Blauvelt Design 1988
2008 Masamichi Udagawa Design 1991
2005 Katherine McCoy and Michael McCoy Co-Chairs Design Department 1971-1995
2002 Lucille Tenazas Design 1981
2002 Niels Diffrient Design 1954

U.S. Fulbright Student Grants

In 2023, the Chronicle of Higher Education once again ranked Cranbrook Academy of Art as a top producer of U.S. Fulbright students. Academy students have now received a total of 18 grants over the past 12 years.

2024-2025 Aubrey Theobald Sculpture 2024 Germany
2022-2023 Madelaine Corbin Fiber 2020 Greece
2019-2020 Naomi Moser Photography 2018 Romania
2019-2020 Brian Kavanaugh Painting 2013 Romania
2017-2018 Elaine Ng Ceramics 2014 Taiwan
2017-2018 Tanya Long Ceramics 2017 Hungary
2015-2016 Katie Zazenski Sculpture 2014 Poland
2014-2015 Juan Torres Architecture 2011 Denmark
2014-2015 Kelley O’Brien 3D Design 2014 Philippines
2014-2015 Ryan Debolski Photography 2014 Oman
2013-2014 Robert Wetherington Ceramics 2009 Slovakia
2012-2013 Quynh Vantu Architecture 2009 United Kingdom
2012-2013 Anna Adler Ceramics 2011 Czech Republic
2012-2013 Sonja Dahl Fiber 2012 Indonesia
2011-2012 Jessica Harvey Photography 2009 Iceland
2010-2011 Carrie Fonder Sculpture 2009 India
2010-2011 Jacquelyn Gleisner Painting 2010 Finland
2010-2011 Jill Rowan Ceramics 2010 Syria
2009-2010 Andrew Ippoliti Ceramics 2009 China
2008-2009 Kim Faler Sculpture 2008 Brazil
2006-2007 Ryan Widger Photography 2005 Sweden
2006-2007 Tzu-ju Chen Metalsmithing 2006 China
2006-2007 Addie Langford Ceramics 2006 Spain
2005-2006 Richard Nelipovich Metalsmithing Netherlands
2005-2006 Anne Selden Fiber 2005 France
2005-2006 Brett Kallusky Photography 2005 Italy
2004-2005 James Ewing Photography 2004 Tunisia
2004-2005 Sarah Turner Metalsmithing 2004 Netherlands
2004-2005 Jeffrey Nebolini 2D Design 2004 Iceland
2004-2005 Heather Erickson Ceramics 2004 Finland
2003-2004 Jana Stockwell Sculpture 2003 Argentina
2003-2004 Ryan Hobbs 2D Design 2003 Latvia
2002-2003 Jacque Liu Ceramics 2002 Germany
2001-2002 Christie Wright Ceramics 2000 Netherlands
2001-2002 Andrea Rosenberger Fiber 2000 Korea
1998-99 Evan Larson Metalsmithing 1998 Korea
1997-98 Gloria Civantos Architecture 1997 Spain
1996-97 Joan Silver Fiber 1996 Poland
1995-96 Dawne Fowkes Ceramics 1995 Finland
1994-95 Rita Grendze Fiber 1994 Latvia
1994-95 Ronit Eisenbach Architecture 1993 United Kingdom
1993-94 Harris Wiltsher Printmaking 1993 South Africa
1992-93 Kristin Tollefson Metalsmithing 1992 Iceland
1992-93 Gretchen Gasterland Fiber Sweden
1990-91 Allen Hori Design 1990 Netherlands

Guggenheim Fellows

Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.

2010 Blane De St. Croix Sculpture 1981
2007 Karyn Olivier Ceramics 2001
2005 Beverly Fishman Artist-In-Residence, Painting
1988 Donald Lipski Ceramics 1973
1973 Olga de Amaral Design student 54-55, Honorary MFA Recipient, 2022
1973 Michael David Hall Head, Sculpture Department 1970-1990
1938 David Fredenthal Student, 1935-39
1939 David Fredenthal Student, 1935-39

The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Award in Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, Video, and Craft Media

The Louis Comfort Tiffany Biennial Competition represents the organization’s continued mission to honor its founder Louis Comfort Tiffany by enriching the growth of and experimentation by artists with direct financial support. The Foundation’s goal is to support artists whose work shows promise, but who have not yet received widespread critical acclaim or commercial recognition, enabling them to produce new work and continue their development. Winners are selected for their talent, promise, and individual artistic strength.

2015 Adam Shirley Metalsmithing 2010
2013 Ariel Brice Ceramics 2009
2013 Seth Papac Metalsmithing 2009
2013 Mark Newport Fiber Artist-in-Residence, 2007-2023
2007 Christie Wright Ceramics 2000
2003 Karen Olivier Ceramics 2001
2003 Beverly Fishman Head of Painting and Artist-in-Residence, 1992-2019
2001 Nick Cave Fiber 1989
2001 Diana Guerrero-Maciá Painting 1992
2001 Margie Hughto Ceramics 1991
1995 Myra Mimlitsch Gray Metalsmithing 1986
1989 Joan Livingstone Fiber 1974
1989 Anne Wilson Fiber 1972

Society of North America Goldsmiths (SNAG) Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is SNAG’s highest honor and is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of metalsmithing.

2024 Mary Lee Hu BFA Metalsmithing 1965
2015 Fred Fenster Metalsmithing 1960
2013 Gary Griffin Head of Metalsmithing Department, 1984-2006
2012 J. Fred Woell Sculpture 1969
2011 L. Brent Kington MFA Metalsmithing 1961
2010 Lois Etherington Betteridge Metalsmithing 1956
2009 Stanley Letchzin Metalsmithing 1961
2008 Heikki Seppä Metalsmithing student, 1960-61

Knight Foundation Award Recipients

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Knight Arts Challenge funds the best ideas for engaging and enriching Detroit through the arts. Over the years, award winners from Cranbrook have earned more than half a million dollars in funding for projects.

2023 Kara Güt Photography 2016
2022 Wesley Taylor (with Complex Movements) 2D Design 2011
2017 Tiff Massey Metalsmithing 2011
2015 Cranbrook Art Museum Truth Booth exhibition
2015 Kate Daughdrill Print Media 2011
2014 Anders Ruhwald Head of Ceramics and Artist-in-Residence, 2008-2017
2014 Cranbrook Art Museum, Nick Cave Fiber ’89 “Hear Hear” Exhibition
2013 Jon Brumit Painting 1999
2013 Chris Schneider Photography 2003
2013 Jeff Sturges Architecture 2005
2013 Wesley Taylor 2D Design 2011

Kresge Eminent Artist Award

Kresge Eminent Artist Award is an unrestricted $50,000 prize awarded to one artist annually. It recognizes a distinguished record of high-quality work and professional achievement in the arts, and a lifetime of contributions to their art forms and to the cultural community of metro Detroit.

2020 Marie Woo Ceramics 1956
2015 Ruth Adler Schnee Design 1946

Kresge Artist Fellows

Kresge Artist Fellowships are $25,000 unrestricted awards, plus professional development support and the creation of a short film highlighting the artist’s work. Fellowships recognize creative vision and commitment to excellence in artists of all ages within a wide range of artistic disciplines.

2021 Andrew Thompson Sculpture 2006
2015 Tiff Massey Metalsmithing 2011
2015 Chris Schanck 3D Design 2011
2015 Annica Cuppetelli Fiber 2008
2013 Kate Daughdrill Print Media 2011
2013 Jason E, Carter Painting 2011
2013 Jon Brumit Painting 1999
2013 Charlie O’Geen Architecture 2010
2011 Gina Reichart Architecture 2003
2011 Laith Karmo Ceramics 2006
2011 Corrie Baldauf Fiber 2009
2011 Liz Cohen Artist-In-Residence, Photography
2011 Mark Newport Artist-In-Residence, Fiber
2011 Heather McGill Artist-In-Residence, Sculpture
2009 Abigail Ann Newbold Fiber 2005
2009 Corine Vermeulen Photography 2004
2009 Shiva Ahmadi Painting 2005
2009 Rod Klingelhofer Fiber 2008
2009 Russ Orlando Ceramics 2008
2009 Susan Goethel Campbell Print Media 1989

The Susan Beech Mid-Career Artist Grant

The Susan Beech Mid-Career Artist Grant from Art Jewelry Forum is an international opportunity established by San Francisco-based collector Susan Beech. The $20,000 grant is to recognize a mid-career artist who has made a substantial contribution to the field and to provide resources for the artist to develop and implement a significant jewelry-related project that she/he would not otherwise have the ability to undertake.

2021 Iris Eichenberg Head of Metalsmithing, Artist-in-Residence 2006-present
2019 Tiff Massey Metalsmithing 2011

United States Artists (USA) Fellows

Representing nine creative disciplines, each USA Fellow receives an unrestricted $50,000 award and recognition as one of America’s most accomplished and innovative artists.

2025 Tzu-Ju Chen Metalsmithing 2006
2025 Karyn Olivier Ceramics 2001
2022 Jovencio de la Paz Fiber 2012
2021 Tiff Massey Metalsmithing 2011
2016 Vivian Beer Metalsmithing 2004
2016 Annabeth Rosen Ceramics 1981
2016 Piper Shepard Fiber 1988
2015 Anne Wilson Fiber 1972
2015 Jonathan Muecke 3D Design 2010
2012 Jesse Reiser Architecture 1984
2012 Myra Mimlitsch-Gray Metalsmithing 1986
2012 Rowland Ricketts Fiber 2005
2011 Sonya Clark Fiber 1995
2006 Nick Cave Fiber 1989
2006 Masamichi Udagawa 3D Design 1991

Ellsworth Kelly Award

The Ellsworth Kelly Award supports museum exhibitions for contemporary artists. This award is endowed by the Ellsworth Kelly Foundation in memory of the artist. Established in 2016, the Ellsworth Kelly Award is a $45,000 grant to support a solo exhibition of a contemporary visual artist at a U.S. art museum, university, or college art gallery.

2024 Karyn Olivier Ceramics 2001

United States Department of State International Medal of Arts

The International Medal of Arts is awarded to artists who demonstrate an enduring commitment to the Art in Embassies mission of cultural diplomacy through the visual arts and international cultural exchange. Recipients have helped define America’s cultural legacy through their artistic excellence and diplomatic contributions. Their artwork serves as a bridge with other nations, encourages discussion and expression and highlights the communal experiences of people from countries, cultures, and backgrounds worldwide.

2002 Nick Cave Fiber ’89

Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Emerging Artist Award (2005-2019)

Cranbrook was honored to partner with Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA LLC, for nearly 20 years, in which the organization supported graduating Cranbrook Academy of Art students with cash awards, and selected one student for a summer residency in Küenstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, which included introductions to important members of the international art and business communities. The last year of the program was 2020.

2019 Marianna Olague Painting 2019
2018 Chen Li 3D Design 2018
2017 Ato Riberio Print Media 2017
2016 Benjamin Santiago 2D Design 2016
2015 Kari Cholnoky Painting 2015
2014 Aaron Decker Metalsmithing 2014
2013 Francisco Alonzo Print Media 2013
2012 Jane Ritchie Metalsmithing 2012
2011 Carson Grubaugh Painting 2011
2010 Suzanne Beautyman Metalsmithing 2010
2009 Zachary Ostrowski 2D Design 2009
2008 Annica Cuppetelli Fiber 2008
2007 Marty McElveen Architecture 2007
2007 Dharmesh Patel Architecture 2007
2006 Andrew Simsak Sculpture 2006
2005 Mark Muskovitz 3D Design 2005