


The Cranbrook Academy of Art Library serves as a resource of visual and written materials to support the research needs of the Academy.

Extensive collections are maintained in each of the ten visual arts disciplines studied at the Academy.

In addition, materials on art history, criticism, artists’ writings, performance art, and other related fields are available. Small basic collections in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences are provided for general reference and background reading.

Circulation of materials is limited to Academy students/ staff/ faculty and Cranbrook Educational Community faculty/staff. All other researchers are welcome to use the collection on a reference-only basis; please see the library’s public use policies for more information. A black-and-white and color photocopier is located in the building.

The Academy library is a member of both OCLC and MeLCat and will accept interlibrary loan requests from other participating libraries. Limited telephone and e-mail reference service for the public is also available.

Library Hours & Staff

Library Hours & Staff

Library Hours & Staff

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am -6:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday-Sunday:  1:00 pm -5:00 pm


Spring Break Hours

March 8-9: Closed

March 10-14: 9:00 am-5:00 pm

March 15-16: Closed

March 17: Resume regular hours


Library Staff

General Library Phone Number:  248-645-3355

Judy Dyki, CAA Deputy Director (and Library Director)

Mary Beth Kreiner, Librarian

Laurén Kozlowski, Librarian/Cataloger

Jillian Blackwell, Library Assistant


Cranbrook Academy of Art Library
39221 Woodward Avenue, Box 801
Bloomfield Hills, MI  48303-0801
248-645-3464 fax

Library Collections

About the Collections

The Cranbrook Academy of Art Library houses about 27,000 volumes, the majority within the visual arts fields. The collection is strong in contemporary art and has extensive holdings in each of the ten disciplines studied at the Academy.

The Academy library is one of seven throughout Cranbrook Educational Community linked by an integrated library system (SirsiDynix Horizon). Holdings from the Cranbrook Schools libraries (K-12) and the Cranbrook Archives may also be viewed from the Academy library’s computers or through the Web interface.

The library subscribes to approximately 190 periodicals, mostly within the visual arts. Indexes available in the library include Art Abstracts and Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Numerous research and image databases are also available.

Audio visual equipment — LCD projectors, video and digital cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors, VCRs, tape recorders, and tripods — is also available for circulation.

Special collections include Cranbrook Academy of Art theses and masters statements; Cranbrook Press books; fine art folios from the collection of George Booth; audio cassette tapes and videos of Academic lectures; artists’ books; videocassettes; DVDs; and vertical files on Cranbrook artists.

The library’s collection development policy outlines the guidelines and methods used for selecting materials for the collection.