Degree Show, June 1952. Courtesy Cranbrook Archives.
Degree Show, June 1952. Courtesy Cranbrook Archives.
Degree Show, June 1955. Courtesy Cranbrook Archives.
Degree Show, June 1955. Courtesy Cranbrook Archives.
Degree Show 2016
Degree Show 2016

Degree Exhibition

Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis

In addition, the master’s statement for each student is completed in parallel with the body of work exhibited at the Graduate Degree Exhibition. This is a written document concerning the theoretical and conceptual trajectory of the student’s work. The master’s statement can take many forms, from artist’s book to theoretical treatise. As with nearly all aspects of the Cranbrook educational experience, the master’s statement is developed in close consultation with the student’s Artist-in-Residence. All master’s statements are accessioned by the Academy library, which maintains a copy of every statement completed at the school.