Melissa Webb (MFA Fiber 2021)
Melissa Webb (MFA Fiber 2021)
Prashani Chandrasena, 2018
Prashani Chandrasena, 2018
Madelaine Corbin, 2020
Madelaine Corbin, 2020
Fiber Philosophy

Kelly Chuning (Fiber 2024)

Photo: PD Rearick

Fiber Philosophy

Fiber Philosophy

The foundation of all exploration is rigorously questioning what is produced in each artist's studio

Fiber is an ever-shifting practice that is grounded in the centuries-old traditions, forms, and materials of textile production and manipulation. As artists, our intimate relationship with the traditional forms of fiber interacts with the expanse of contemporary practice in art, craft, and design, challenging the definitions of each. Whether the work we produce manifests itself as a sculptural form, garment, functional object, tapestry weaving, socially engaged community practice, digital output, or something else we cannot currently name, we embrace it as a mode of exploration.

While attending the Academy you are a member of a community of passionate and rigorous colleagues each questioning your assumptions, place in the world, and the role of your work in that world. Each person must be highly motivated, inquisitive, and open to discussion, challenge, and experimentation. The diversity of experience in the community, and each person’s unique insights and skills, provide a broad base of information to help you build an idiosyncratic practice that can sustain your development well beyond your time at the Academy.

Student Work

Student Work
Kelly Tapìa-Chuning (Fiber 2024)
Student Work
Kayla Powers (MFA Fiber 2023)
Student Work
Kaylie Kaitschuck, 2021
Student Work
Sam Dienst, 2021
Student Work
Deja Milany Jones, 2022
Student Work
Meredith Morrison, 2021
Student Work
Elizabeth Shoby, 2021
Student Work
Eleanor Anderson, 2021
Student Work
Melissa Webb, 2020
Student Work
Melissa Webb, 2019
Student Work
Kira Keck, 2021
Student Work
Hilla Shapira, 2020
Student Work
Alison Catalano, 2019
Student Work
Emily Stark, 2020
Student Work
Jess Osserman, 2019
Student Work
Kaylie Kaitschuck, 2020
Student Work
Yena Park, 2020
Student Work
Sebastian Duncan-Portuondo, 2018
Student Work
Ash Arder, 2018
Student Work
Sarah Wondrack, 2018
Student Work
Meredith Morrison, 2020
Student Work
Jameson Gower, 2019
Student Work
Rebecca Smith, 2019

Alumni Profile

Abigail Anne Newbold, Fiber '05

Alumni Profile

Abigail Anne Newbold, Fiber '05

Apply now

While attending the Academy you are a member of a community of passionate and rigorous colleagues each questioning your assumptions, place in the world, and the role of your work in that world.